First actions

If you have any doubt about your cat being poisoned

Stay calm!
Try to remove the source of poison if possible.
Contact a vet as soon as possible, do not wait and see.

Skin or fur is concerned

Try to wash it with a mild shampoo. Rinse well and dry.

Do not treat your cat yourself

In particular, human's medicines are not adapted to cats and some can be poisonous for them.

If you head to a vet

Bring carefully the plant or substance you suspect related to your cat sickness.

Common symptoms

Do not make your cat vomit.

Keep others pets away.

Find some help

To get some advices or emergency, some services are available 24 hours - 365 days, to reach out a professional. Select a country below to get dedicated contact details.

Prior your call, it can be useful to prepare the following information:

  • Breed
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Gender

Australian Animal Poison Centre

It is composed of Poisons Specialists and specialist Veterinarians.

Pet Poison Helpline

Extension of the North American branch, the team is composed of veterinarians board-certified in internal medicine (DACVIM), emergency and critical care (DACVECC), and toxicology (DABVT, DABT).Pet Poison Helpline is available for Australia and New Zealand.

  • Phone: 0011-800-4444-0002 (Australia)
  • Phone: 00-800-4444-0002 (New Zealand)
  • Website: